
Meet Meaghan

Hi there and welcome to my little corner of the internet - I am so glad you’re here! Cooking and baking is a labor of love that I’ve always enjoyed since I was a little girl. After starting a family and having children, my interest in baking has increased significantly with gatherings, birthdays, and holidays. What once began as a hobby, quickly turned into multiple requests for sweet treats from family and friends. After countless hours of practice, improving my technique, and encouragement, starting my business seemed like a natural next step. I am licensed through the state of Connecticut as a cottage food operator and I am ServSafe certified. All of my desserts have been submitted and approved by the state of Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection and are produced in a kitchen space that strictly adheres to the regulations that Connecticut has set forth for Cottage Food Operators.
I bake small batches which are hand-crafted, and customized to your needs! I love being able to create custom cookies, cakes, and flavor combinations for my clients. I hope you will give me the opportunity to create something special for you.
With love from my kitchen to yours,